One of the oldest mankind occupations, at the same time emblematic for the Romanian people since its inceptions, is the sheep breeding. On the same emblem, not very visible though, was, is and will be the Romanian Shepherd dog (always a friend and support for the Romanians).
For its love, devotion and even sacrifice we, Romanians, named an entire region after the name of such a dog – Moldova – and our literary history starts with a pastoral ballad – Miorita. But today the time has come to do more.
Talking about Romania’s image, a national unitary state, inheritor and custodian of all material and spiritual assets, including the chinologic filed, we consider that the temporary problems appeared in the last year can not and must not impede the process of international recognition of our 2 old breeds of Romanian Shepherd dogs.
Considering the fact that the process of international homologation of the Romanian Shepherd dogs is not the chore of only one person or organization, in the name of all Romanians, wherever they may be, and in the name of all animal lovers living in Romania, no matter their nationality, we submit for your approval the request of accepting the technical files for the homologation of the Romanian Shepherd Mioritic and for the Romanian Shepherd Carpatin.
With due respect and consideration,
To the President of the International Canine Federation, Bruxelles
Acest mesaj a fost realizat si prezentat de catre dnul Marius Tuca realizator si prezentator de emisiuni media binecunoscut in Romania.
Mesajul lansat de el a fost semnat de un numar impresionant de mare de oameni politici, artisti,intelectuali de marca,diplomati dar si de catre simpli romani sau iubitori ai acestor rase nationale romanesti.
Albumul cu semnaturi a fost trimis la FCI odata cu dosarul executat de catre CNCCR pentru rasele de caini ciobanesti romanesti mioritic si carpatin. In baza acestui dosar a reusit si ACHR sa inregistreze la FCI ambele rase pentru ca daca s-ar fi luat in considerare cele patru file format A 4 care fusesera depuse de catre ACHR ca si dosar de omologare internationala Romania in mod sigur ar fi pierdut aceste doua rase din cauza regulamentului FCI si a multiplelor greseli,ilegalitati si erori facute de catre reprezentantii ACHR.
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Mesajul lansat de el a fost semnat de un numar impresionant de mare de oameni politici, artisti,intelectuali de marca,diplomati dar si de catre simpli romani sau iubitori ai acestor rase nationale romanesti.
Albumul cu semnaturi a fost trimis la FCI odata cu dosarul executat de catre CNCCR pentru rasele de caini ciobanesti romanesti mioritic si carpatin. In baza acestui dosar a reusit si ACHR sa inregistreze la FCI ambele rase pentru ca daca s-ar fi luat in considerare cele patru file format A 4 care fusesera depuse de catre ACHR ca si dosar de omologare internationala Romania in mod sigur ar fi pierdut aceste doua rase din cauza regulamentului FCI si a multiplelor greseli,ilegalitati si erori facute de catre reprezentantii ACHR.